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If you have any other resources for handcuffs and other restraints, please send me the information so I can include it here!


The following links are to companies and individuals that manufacture handcuffs and other restraints. Some of the are less than happy to deal directly with customers, others not so mindful. If your purposes are other than official, it is probably wise to avoid talking about them in most cases.


These links point to resellers of handcuffs and other restraints. Prices may, in many cases, be lower than retail.

Adult Stores

These links point to various adult stores that carry handcuffs and other restraints. These stores also tend to have various adult items on display which could potentially offend you. Only link through to these if you accept this risk.

Other collections

Mine is not the only collection on the web. It may in fact be the first one, but since its incept, there have been many others to pop up, some rather nice. Follow the links below to see the ones I have found.


Links pointing to various Handcuff and related stuff that don't fit into other categories.


Links to companies and stores that don't have a web presence. Some have an email address and that is usually the preferred way to contact them. Many are not sympathetic to hobbyists and the like, so be circumspect if you try to contact them.

[YOSSIE] Yossie's Home Page [ENVELOPE] yossie@blacksteel.com